Certification Application Cycle

The Climate Smart Communities (CSC) program reviews certification applications from local governments three times a year, according to a set schedule that is referred to as the application cycle. The three deadlines fall near the beginning of the first three quarters of each year. These deadlines are followed by a review period of about seven weeks, after which applicants will be notified if they achieved certification. Local governments that do not meet the requirements should review the comments they received from reviewers, modify their action submittals, and re-apply before the next quarterly deadline.

See below for the dates of the next four review rounds.


Application Cycle for 2023 & 2024
Application DeadlineJul. 7, 2023Jan. 5, 2024Apr. 5, 2024Jul. 12, 2024
Applicant NotificationSept. 8, 2023Mar. 1, 2024May 31, 2024Sept. 6, 2024