Climate Smart Communities Certification Report

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bronze Certified

This is the Climate Smart Communities Certification Report of Tusten, Town (Sullivan). Tusten, Town (Sullivan) is a bronze certified Climate Smart Community.

Tusten, Town (Sullivan) was certified on September 26, 2018 with 123 points earned from 17 completed actions. Listed below is information regarding Tusten, Town (Sullivan)’s Climate Smart Communities efforts and materials associated with its certified actions.

The certification for Tusten, Town (Sullivan) will expire on September 30, 2023.

Contact Information

The designated Climate Smart Communities contact for Tusten, Town (Sullivan) is:

Name:Brandi Merolla
Title:Chair of Energy Committee
Address:P.O. Box 195
Narrowsburg, NY 12764

Actions Implemented

Each approved action and supporting documentation for which Tusten, Town (Sullivan) was approved for in 2018 appears below. Note: Standards for the actions below may have changed and the documentation listed may no longer satisfy requirements for that action.

  • 1. Build a climate-smart community.

    1.1 Pass a Resolution Adopting the CSC Pledge

    4 Points

    Program Summary:

    PE1 Action: CSC Task Force

    20 Points
    Bronze Mandatory Silver Mandatory

    Program Summary: On 2/13/2012 Town of Tusten Supervisor Carol Ropke Wingert established and appointed the Committee for Energy Plan (renamed the Tusten Energy Committee a few weeks later on 3/29/2012). Appointed was Councilperson Eileen Falk, Councilperson Brandi Merolla, Star Hesse and Charles Blanchard. Couniclperson Brandi Merolla was appointed as chairperson of the Committee. See attached minutes and report.

    PE1 Action: CSC Coordinator

    10 Points
    Bronze Mandatory Silver Mandatory

    Program Summary:

    PE1 Action: National/Regional Climate Program

    3 Points

    Program Summary: The Town of Tusten participates in the CEC program. Attached is a screenshot of the CEC map.

  • 2. Inventory emissions, set goals, and plan for climate action.

    PE2 Action: Government Operations GHG Inventory

    16 Points
    Bronze Priority Silver Priority

    Program Summary: Attached are two GHG Government Operations Inventories, one for 2016 and one for 2017. The Town has made these two GHG emissions inventories available at the library. The Town will post both GHG Government Operations Inventories on their website. The Town's 2017 GHG emissions were 420.11 MTCO2e.

    PE2 Action: Community GHG Inventory

    16 Points
    Bronze Priority Silver Priority

    Program Summary:

    2.3 Establish a Government Operations Emissions Reduction Target

    4 Points
    Bronze Priority Silver Priority

    Program Summary:

  • 3. Decrease energy use.

    PE3 Action: Interior Lighting Upgrades

    3 Points

    Program Summary:

    PE3 Action: Benchmarking - Municipal Buildings

    2 Points

    Program Summary:

    3.22 Provide E-waste Collection in Local Government Buildings

    2 Points

    Program Summary: The town of Tusten passed a resolution in July 2018 (attached) in support of their municipal e-waste recycling policy. The attached photos photos show the town hauling the e-waste away to a Sullivan County e-waste collection event and the sign indicating where it is collected in one building.

  • 4. Shift to clean, renewable energy.

    PE4 Action: Solar Energy Installation

    9 Points

    Program Summary:

    PE4 Action: Power Purchase Agreement for Renewables

    9 Points

    Program Summary:

  • 5. Use climate-smart materials management.

    PE5 Action: Recycling Bins in Government Buildings

    3 Points

    Program Summary: Photographs showing labeled recycling bins in Government office buildings. A policy calling for the maximum possible recycling at events is also included.

    PE5 Action: Waste Reduction Education Campaign

    2 Points

    Program Summary: In early 2018, the Town of Tusten purchased 400 reusable bags made out of recycled materials for Town residents to reduce single-use plastic bag use within the Town. The initial 400 are being distributed for free and the Town is committed to purchasing 400 more reusable bags as needed. The bags are available for pick-up at Town Hall and Town Board meetings. The attached handout is an example of the associated educational materials. Links to news articles: 1/17/18: 2/21/18

  • 6. Implement climate-smart land use.

    6.3 Adopt a Renewable Energy Ordinance

    2 Points

    Program Summary:

  • 8. Support a green innovation economy.

    PE8 Action: Farmers’ Markets

    3 Points

    Program Summary: The letter states that the Farmer's market fulfills the minimum 10 day minimum and that it was in operation last year. The market runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day. The letter also states the Town was instrumental in making the Farmer's Market happen. Councilperson promote the Farmer's market at Town Board Meetings.

  • 12. Performance

    Performance: Reduce GHGs from Government Facilities

    15 Points

    Program Summary: Tusten received approval from NYSERDA for the Clean Energy Upgrades High Impact Action on 6/18/18 because the Town purchases a significant amount of electricity from a solar PPA.